A tenant in has been jailed after coercing his landlord into selling his possessions and properties in Stone on Trent, Lancashire Live reports.
Landlord Eugene Schofield, known as John, owned five buy-to-let properties which he rented to people who were struggling, as he did not take deposits or check references – but his experience with one bad tenant ultimately drove him to attempt suicide.
The tenant, Derek Conway, preyed on Schofield’s generosity and gullibility, as he told the landlord he was terminally ill but had a £100,000 windfall coming.
He informed Schofield his medical treatment would cost £103,000 and asked the landlord to lend him the difference, after which he claimed the money was paid to a clinic but the doctor disappeared.
In reality Conway gambled the money away.
The claims then became more elaborate, as Conway said he was getting help from the ombudsman and made up two fictious characters who would help him get it back.
The landlord sold off his buy-to-let portfolio between 2013 and 2019 and remortgaged his own home to help the tenant – some at below the market rate to secure a quick sale. He also sold his late wife’s jewellery, his car, his classic film collection and all the white goods in his house. He also lost £1,000 a week of rental income.
Schofield said: “All my life I have tried to help people. I worked for the Salvation Army for many years and volunteered as a hospital visitor for people who had no friends or family. I had properties for over 20 years. I never took a bond or references as my opinion was that if people are renting they need some kind of financial assistance.
“If my tenants were ever struggling with rent I would always try to help out. I would give them a loan for as long as they needed it. Over five years, Derek defrauded me. To say I lost everything is an understatement. He convinced me to sell all my properties and all my other goods, saying I wouldn’t be needing them anymore.
“I didn’t believe the police when they first approached me. I still believed Derek’s lies because of the hold he had over me.”
The landlord became depressed after the incident and attempted suicide, while he was no longer able to sleep or support himself.
He added: “Derek took everything from me”, he said. “I have worked hard all my life and tried to help everyone I could. I should be enjoying this part of my life, sitting back and relaxing. He preyed on my good nature and abused me.”
The tenant moved house while on bail, but was eventually arrested for an unrelated matter in Uttoxeter.
He was jailed for six years and nine months.