The leading landlord insurance website says many landlords are over-looking a treasure trove of high value goods stowed away in their attic and could be in for a nasty shock if the worst happened and they needed to claim.
‘Our research found a veritable treasure trove of goods that landlords are forgetting about, says Lee Grandin of
‘Items left gathering dust in the attic included expensive bikes, technology, art, antique furniture, jewelry and precious family heirlooms up to the value of £5,000. urges those considering renting out their property to notify their insurer as failure to do so could lead to a claim being turned down in the future.
‘Becoming a landlord is a little like becoming a business owner, so do your research thoroughly, adds Lee Grandin.
‘Shop around for good quality specialist landlord insurance policies. These can be tailored to meet your personal needs and include useful cover such as “emergency repair” or “rent guarantee” to protect against your tenants not meeting their rental obligations.
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