To say property rights in Kenya are a big issue is to understate one of the country's biggest road blocks to recovery. That is because since 1963 when Kenya was made independent, there has never been a document written that discussed tribal land boundaries. At no point did any one tribe attempt to take another tribes land, yet in 1991 that all changed. When the fighting started local and foreign investors began losing properties. Because of the previous lack of law regarding property, there was no protection for local or foreign investments.
Many Kenyans are against any property right reforms because they are worried that they any reforms will only serve the needs of Western investors. Many other Kenyans agree that some effort is needed to change property laws. Tribal laws just do not allow for the improvement to local economies that most parts of Africa would benefit from. With the lack of a stable government infrastructure it is assumed that property rights will not be addressed anytime soon.
When a government still struggles to properly distribute resources to the poor, it is obvious that foreign investors will be taking a great risk when attempting to develop properties in most parts of Kenya. Corruption from the inside out continues to plague Kenyan administration. Many officials have been accused of confiscating public funds for their own personal use.
Banking officials in Kenya are concerned that they are being distanced from their clients because of the increased violence. Political infighting has caused many to lose their property and means of living. Under these conditions it will be impossible for them to repay their loans.
Bank officials are making every effort to assure their clients that rebuilding is possible, but it requires a spirit of cooperation and trust from both parties. When considering all of the factors at work against Kenya, it is easy to see that the country has a long road ahead to recovery.