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New Zealand immigration figures to grow

New Zealand has very strict immigration requirements currently. The government is working to determine the value of relaxing some of the immigration laws here in an effort to bring in more people to help with the labour shortage.

According to Statistics New Zealand, the unemployment numbers are the lowest they have been in several decades, with a fall to just 3.4 per cent in the final quarter of December. Jobs here have increase by 23,000 or about 1 per cent in the same quarter.

Some do not believe this is necessary and believe that promoting more immigration to the country could hurt those in education or training from getting jobs when they have completed. Others believe there is little to no threat to the overall economy and job market if in fact immigration laws are loosened. No decision has been made on how to resolve this situation, though.

Nevertheless, the draw to move to New Zealand continues to grow. In locations like England, there is large emigration happening in which many are moving from locations like Stockport to New Zealand. Not only is the language barrier nonexistent, but the demand for jobs and quality life make New Zealand more attractive to these emigrants.

The shortage of labour in New Zealand has been a constant problem for the last several years. Australia also faces a similar shortage of qualified individuals.
