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Brits don’t know how to turn off the gas

Some 43% of homeowners wouldn’t know how to turn off their gas in the event of an accident, research from find-a-tradesperson service has found.

Meanwhile a third admitted they would turn to Google to find out how to locate the shut off valve.

Carl Goulding from, said: “It’s vital that all homeowners and tenants know how to turn off their live services.

“You never know when you might have to – and not being able to act quickly in the event of an emergency can have devastating consequences.

“We want to make sure that every homeowner or tenant has  the basic knowledge so that if something does go wrong, they know what to do fast.

“Being too slow to turn off the water supply when there’s a leak could end up costing thousands of pounds worth of damage, so spending just a little bit time learning the basics will be time well spent.”

