Overall average property prices of homes within a two mile radius of an independent school have outperformed the national average. House prices close to independent schools currently stand at 116% of their 2007 market peak, this compares to 98% for England and Wales as a whole.
In 2014 the average property price stood at £173,500 while the average price paid for a property within a two mile radius of an independent school was £354,000, according to the study published by estate agents Hamptons International.
The same pattern can be seen in the capital’s housing market. In London property prices are on average 30% higher than at the peak of the market in 2007 but for those homes close to an independent school they are 66% higher.
Homes near to some of London’s best known schools have significantly outperformed the London average. Properties close to Westminster School are now 100% higher than the 2007 peak and at St Pauls School are 75% above peak levels.
In the South East and South West of England average house prices have returned to 2007 levels, but for those homes close to independent schools values are on average 17% higher.
The research also found that the South and South West of England attract the greatest number of overseas students. Two thirds of universities with more than 10% overseas students are located in the South and South West of the country.
It pointed out that universities contribute to local economies and act as a support to house prices and rental growth. Furthermore universities often attract large scale employers, such as the science parks around Cambridge and Oxford, who in turn generate demand for housing.
‘The UK is recognised the world over for the quality of its education. For many overseas parents with children studying in the UK this is a catalyst to investing in property – be this a student flat or larger family home. The UK’s stable legal and political system, together with an economy that is growing some three faster than the Eurozone, makes the UK an attractive proposition to many overseas investors,’ said Fionnuala Earley, director of research at Hamptons International.
‘While house prices across England and Wales remain 10% below their pre-crisis peak, this figure masks significant regional variations. The average house price in London is now 30% above the 2007 market peak and other areas of the country are playing catch-up. Capital values in London may have softened recently but they are still 12% higher than this time last year. And as the recovery spreads, so the prospects for the rest of the country are looking good,’ she explained.
‘For overseas investors looking to buy in the UK our research shows that average property prices within a two mile radius of an independent school have outperformed the national average. While this not necessarily a causal link between independent schools and local property prices, there is a correlation between the desirability of an area and the existence of good independent schools. Properties close to the best independent schools have seen a significant uplift in prices, recovering faster and more strongly from the market downturn than the national average,’ she pointed out.
‘Similarly in university towns, capital and rental growth, boosted by student and employer demand alike, continues to offer an attractive proposition to investors,’ she added.