More than 40% of disputes recorded by The Deposit Protection Service happen in this region with tenants trashing houses, letting gardens go wild or disappearing without notice.
In the area more than half of the disputes, 52%, were the result of tenants damaging the property, 36% were due to the property not being cleaned and the rest concerned poor repair of the garden.
The North East saw the second highest level of disputes, 15%, followed by the South West, 12%, the North West saw 11% as did the West Midlands.
London is the worst offender when the analysis is broken down into cities, followed by Bristol, Manchester, Newcastle upon Tyne and York.
'Exasperated landlords have sent us all sorts of complaints about tenants from vomit on the carpets to carpets vanishing completely,' said Kevin Firth, director of The DPS.
'One landlord discovered that his property was being used as a brothel while we have had several unsuspecting landlords whose properties have been transformed into cannabis factories,' he added.
However, for landlords, the dispute service has been valuable. 'The introduction of a dispute resolution service has been one of the real successes of the Government's tenancy deposit legislation ensuring that these differences are sorted out fairly,' explained Firth.
'It is important to remember, however, that the number of disputes that do arise between landlords and tenants is relatively small,' he added.
The Deposit Protection Service currently manages £250 million of live deposits, equating to over 329,000 separate deposits. Around 250 new landlords and agents sign up to the service every day.
It is provided free of charge, and funded entirely by the interest earned from deposits held in the scheme. The DPS is run by Computershare Investor Services PLC. Online self-service allows landlords to register and make deposit payments, transfers and repayments 24 hours a day. Help and advice is available through a dedicated call centre during office hours. An impartial Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) service helps to resolve any disputes quickly and without the need for court action.