Hundreds of these developments are springing up to the West and North of Moscow and interest is growing from foreign investors too.
'There is a huge demand for new developments where the wealthy can go for weekend breaks and holidays a bit like the rich in the United States spend time in the Hamptons,' said James Brook, a real estate director in Moscow.
He says West Moscow has the most desirable properties as you don't have to pass the factories and industrial towns that lie to the East of the city. Novorizhskoe to the North West is also popular.
There are over 350 gated communities in Russia and almost half of them are in the Novorizhskoe area according to developer Janna Bullock. 'Demand is high and prices are cheaper than in the Moscow suburbs,' she said.
But the dacha has not been completely ignored. These new villas are often built in wood and made to look like traditional buildings. The prices are extremely modern, however. Wealthy Moscovites are paying in the region of €3million.
If you have even more to spend then the in place is Rublyovka, which is known as Moscow's billionaire suburb. Rublyovka is home to President Dmitri Medvedev and his predecessor, now prime minister, Vladimir Putin, as well as the ultra-upscale shopping center Barvikha Luxury Village.