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Noisy neighbours are the most off putting factor for UK home buyers

Some 55% of buyers say that they would be put off buying a house with neighbours from hell, the research from mortgage and secured loan broker Ocean Finance shows.

Mouldy rooms is the next most off putting factor, with 49% saying it would stop them buying a particular home, followed by the property being in a poor state of repair with 43% citing it as a factor.

No central heating puts off 30% and an untidy garden next door affects 28%. Unpleasant smells from animals or smokers puts off 27% and 16% would be affected by badly kept communal areas in flats or shared houses.

No double glazing puts off 14% of prospective buyers while 8% wouldn’t want partially completed decorating or building work. Stone cladding is regard as a no no by 7% and 4% would say no to a brown or green bathroom suite. Some 4% would be put off by an untidy or over grown garden and 2% would be affected by decorating that it not to their taste.

Age is a big factor as well. Younger people are around half as likely to be put off by noisy neighbours with 35% of people age 18 to 24 say this is an issue compared with 65% of people over 65.

However, older generations seem to be more willing to put up with privations than younger people. For example, 25% of people aged 55 to 64 and 27% of people aged 65 and over are less likely to be deterred by the fact that a house has no central heating than 25 to 34 year olds.

They are also half as likely, 10% for both 55 to 64 year olds and 65 and over, to be bothered by the fact that a house has no double glazing. The figure for both 18 to 24year olds and 25 to 34 year olds is 21%.

‘It's good to see that buyers are generally very savvy about what gives a home a lot of potential. It isn't about decoration, which can be changed relatively easily. It's about how pleasant the area and the house are to live in,’ said Ian Williams from Ocean Finance.

‘Buyers also seem to know that more insidious problems like mould are also best avoided unless they have the funds and the time to make all the necessary repairs and changes,’ he added.
