The National Register of Accredited Landlords aims to provide a quick and simple look up for tenants to check whether their landlord is accredited and is open to every accredited landlord and accreditation scheme.
NLA chief executive officer Richard Lambert said the organisation wants to raise the profile of accreditation and highlight those who are committed to best practice.
Landlord accreditation is regarded as a way of improving standards and practice in the private rented sector through education and professional development. The NLA currently works with over 65 local councils and five universities across England as their accreditation partner, and the NLA scheme is recognised by another 50 local authorities.
The NLA is also an accreditation partner for the London Rental Standard, working closely with the Mayor of London’s Office on establishing the initiative last year and the Register supports the NLA’s 2020 Vision to persuade all its members to become accredited by the end of the decade.
‘Accreditation is a badge of knowledge and competence that landlords should shout about. We should be encouraging tenants to check their prospective landlord and find out whether they have reached accredited status,’ said Lambert.
‘There’s more pressure on improving standards in the private rented sector than ever before and we’re trying to lead the way for landlords to become accredited, which is a huge challenge because currently there’s no fundamental need to do so,’ he explained.
‘However, too often the landlord community is unfairly tarred with the brush of illegality or incompetence shown by just a minority of the industry, which isn’t an accurate picture of private renting,’ he pointed out.
‘We want accredited landlords to put their details on our new Register so they can set themselves apart, and for tenants to have a quick and easy look up for peace of mind that they can rely on their landlord,’ he added.
The NLA has written to all the existing accreditation schemes and providers, calling on them to support the Register by agreeing to verify those landlords who register as members of their schemes.