The biggest discrepancy between what tenants and landlords believe relates to providing meter readings at the beginning and end of the tenancy period. Some 73% of landlords correctly think it is their tenants’ job to do this, but only 35% of tenants think so.
The research from landlord and tenant insurance provider Endsleigh also shows that 60% of tenant respondents consider it as the landlord’s responsibility to touch up paintwork, yet 45% of landlords cite it as the tenant’s.
Tenants and landlords are also unclear when it comes to the responsibility for pest control. Some 32% of landlords believe pest control is the tenant’s responsibility, yet 84% of tenants consider it as the landlord’s.
Endsleigh, together with the London Landlord Accreditation Scheme (LLAS), has created a responsibilities guide to clear up the confusion when it comes to rental property maintenance and care.
‘Relationships between landlords and tenants can become strained when rental responsibilities aren’t fulfilled,’ said Marcus Latchford, Endsleigh's lettings and landlords manager.
However, sometimes it’s just a case of one side being unaware of their responsibilities. Individual contracts will often spell out who should be taking care of what, but the small print is often the last place people look,’ he added.
Jessica Alomankeh, projects coordinator at the London Landlord Accreditation Scheme (LLAS) said that while most of the responsibilities for landlords and tenants are well understood by both parties but some things are still confusing.
‘Landlords deal with repairs to fixtures and fittings, boiler servicing, as well as arrange buildings insurance if the property is furnished. Tenants look after tasks such as keeping the garden in check and the internet installation. For tasks such as pest control and touching up paintwork, the landlord is responsible,’ she explained.
‘What’s more, at the beginning of a tenancy, landlords should provide tenants with an inventory pack, containing contact details of the current service providers. It’s then up to the tenant to check metre readings and set up new payments with the suppliers,’ she added.