Ministers said the new guarantees will not only help realise the potential of the growing private rental market but unlock funding for housing providers and enable them to borrow money to invest in new house building on more favourable terms.
The guarantee programme is the first of its kind and will transform the way housing providers raise money for vital projects.
The first of these will be the Affordable Housing Guarantee Scheme, which will be run by Affordable Housing Finance, part of The Housing Finance Corporation.
Through the scheme, the government will guarantee up to £3.5 billion of debt for Affordable Housing Finance, which will be lent to housing associations to build new homes to rent out to families in need.
This, combined with £450 million in government grants, could deliver up to 30,000 new affordable homes to rent in addition to the 170,000 new homes already being delivered by 2015.
The second will be a £3.5 billion Private Rented Sector Guarantee scheme. This market is currently dominated by individual landlords rather than organisations, so to encourage greater institutional investment the government will offer direct guarantees to housing providers.
This means that organisations such as property investors and developers looking to branch out into managing homes specifically for private rent will be able to borrow money to invest at more affordable rates.
The full application process with government will open shortly but several large housing providers are already in early discussions about developments that could be eligible for the scheme. Ministers welcome any other interested parties to come forward to discuss their plans.
Subject to demand, both these schemes could be boosted by a further £3 billion being held in reserve, taking the total amount of government guarantees available to £10 billion.
‘The £10 billion Housing Guarantees Schemes are now open for business, with a ground breaking new offer of low cost lending to get spades in the ground, create new jobs and deliver thousands of new homes specifically for rent,’ said Housing Minister Mark Prisk.
‘With the government’s backing, investors can now unlock billions of pounds to build high quality homes for private and affordable rent. These changes offer a greater choice for new tenants across the country,’ he added.
Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg praised the scheme. ‘Providing good quality, affordable housing for rent is essential to rebuild our economy after the heart attack it suffered in 2008, which made it harder to buy a first home and put more pressure on the private rental market,’ he said.
‘As well as building more affordable homes, the schemes will mean more jobs in construction including apprentices, giving a much needed jobs boost across the country,’ he added.
The Housing Finance Corporation will be working with the government to ensure the success of the schemes. ‘We look forward to reinforcing the government’s determination to promote incremental housing output,’ said its chief executive Piers Williamson.