Both the North West of the country and the South West are facing shortfalls because local authorities do not have enough land supply to build the number of new homes that are needed.
The latest land supply update reports from planning experts Turley Associates shows how many planning authorities don’t have enough land.
For the North West the report shows that the region will require at least 178,537 new homes over the next five years to meet local need but it also shows that there is currently land supply for only 138,318 new homes leaving a substantial shortfall of at least 40,219 homes.
‘Local authorities are required under the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) to be able to demonstrate that they have a sufficient supply of land to deliver against housing needed over a five year period. Our research and report shows that 37 of the region’s 40 planning authorities fall short of their five year land supply targets,’ said San Ryan, director in Turley Associates’ Manchester office.
Cumbria has a shortfall of 2,934, Lancashire a shortfall of 5,275, Greater Manchester at shortfall of 21,303, Cheshire a shortfall of 3,327, and Merseyside a shortfall of 7,380.
‘The need for housing in the North West is and will remain very high, yet just 40% local planning authorities have up to date adopted development plans. This leaves planning policy in a state of flux and uncertainty that will further delay the delivery of much needed homes across North West,’ explained Ryan.
‘Those local planning authorities that do not have an up to date plan will receive planning applications based on the context of the NPPF and its presumption in favour of sustainable development. This creates a window of opportunity for developers,’ he added.
He pointed out that the research is a snapshot of housing need and land supply as of May 2013. It is a best case scenario for local planning authorities but in reality the shortfall is likely to be higher.
The firm’s research in the South West shows that the region will require at least 110,000 new homes over the next five years to meet local need. The report also shows that there is currently land supply for only 87,000 new homes leaving a substantial shortfall of at least 23,000 homes. At least 16 of the region’s 36 planning authorities fall short of their five year land supply targets.
‘The need for housing in the South West is and will remain very high, yet just 13 local planning authorities have adopted core strategies. This leaves planning policy in a state of flux and uncertainty that will further delay the delivery of much needed homes across south west,’ said Peter Stacey, director and head of the residential development sector at Turley Associates.
‘Developers are bringing forward new sites and permissions for new developments are being granted, meaning that these numbers will change. That there is a shortfall, however, will remain,’ he added.