It is a busy time of the year as student tenancies come to an official end and the Association of Independent Inventory Clerks (AIIC) is urging tenants, landlords and letting agents to take extra notice of inventories as tenancies turn over this summer.
The Association points to a recent study carried out by removal firm Kiwi Movers which found that 52% of tenants had experienced trouble with their landlord when it came to the return of their deposit at the end of the tenancy.
The survey also revealed the most common reasons for lost deposits with items missing from the inventory the reason a fifth of participants did not receive their full deposit back. Other reasons tenants lost all or part of their deposit included minor repairs, cleaning and unpaid bills.
‘Tenants should be issued with a copy of the inventory at the beginning of the tenancy and I urge them all to double check all the items listed at that time and to ensure that all items remain in the property, in good condition, when moving out,’ said Pat Barber, chair of the AIIC.
‘If there is something missing it can often be cheaper for the tenant to replace it rather than for the landlord or agent to do so,’ she pointed out.
‘For letting agents and landlords, it is important to go through the inventory fairly and thoroughly when undertaking the check-out process it is advised that the services of an independent inventory clerk are used to ensure impartiality,’ she explained.
‘If both sides of the rental transaction hold up their side of the bargain, the amount of deposit disputes can be kept to a minimum this summer,’ she added.