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Grey Belt conclusions to be revealed tomorrow

The conclusions of the enquiry into the Grey Belt from the House of Lords Built Environment Committee will be published tomorrow, on February 5th.

On 30 July 2024, the incoming Labour government proposed revisions to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and launched a consultation on processes for releasing Green Belt land. This included the creation of a new designation of “Grey Belt” land.

The committee explored what “Grey Belt” land is, how it could contribute to housing targets and what sustainable “Grey Belt” development looks like.

The group also considered the government’s proposed “golden rules” of the sequential test for land release, as well as the requirements for the delivery of affordable housing provision, infrastructure and enhanced green spaces and how they may affect the success of developments in the “Grey Belt”.

Shortly before the end of this inquiry, the government published the final NPPF, which took into account many of the issues that the committee had uncovered in the course of its investigations.

As a result, the committee decided to take a broader look at the consequential impact of the changes to the NPPF on other areas of planning policy.

