Automated lettings platform PlanetRent has partnered with LegalforLandlords to support landlords with their legal requirements.
LegalforLandlords provides anything from basic legal support to advice on dealing with difficult tenants, as it has experience in evictions, rent and debt recovery
The Warrington-based service has an in-house legal team but also offers services from partners including the Financial Conduct Authority and Equifax.
Mary-Anne Bowring, group managing director at Ringley and creator of PlanetRent, said: “We’re delighted to announce our partnership with LegalforLandlords, which will enable landlords to access legal advice for any problems they face.
“Landlords and agents who use PlanetRent will be able to directly access the services of LegalforLandlords through our platform.
“All landlords, whether large or small should always be able to access legal advice and support, and this partnership will enable landlords who use PlanetRent to use the services offered by LegalforLandlords.”
PlanetRent was developed in-house by residential property consultancy Ringley Group.