Portfolio management platform Lendlord has launched a ‘finance hub’, delivering tailored and automated finance recommendations to landlords based on their own personal circumstances and portfolio profile.
The finance hub provides automated recommendations for financial products including buy-to-let mortgages and remortgages, bridging finance, secured loans, revolving credit for portfolios, commercial finance and landlord insurance.
Users can immediately access tailor-made recommendations based on the data they have already entered onto the platform and new visitors to the website can receive their own recommendations by completing a questionnaire online.
Aviram Shahar, co-founder and chief executive at Lendlord, said: “The launch of the Lendlord Finance Hub is a big step for our platform and great news for our users, who can access tailor made recommendations for financial products based on data they have already entered into the system.
“Lendlord provides landlords with a tool to manage their portfolio and track their investments performance, so property investors already have a lot to gain by entering details of their portfolio onto the platform and benefiting from instant performance insights.
“Now, with the launch of the Finance Hub, those same details can also help them identify and apply for the most suitable financial products, with very little additional effort. This is a great opportunity for landlords to work smarter, adopt digital life, and make sure they are optimising their property investments.
“In the context of Covid-19, it has never been more prudent to do this, so the Lendlord landlord should use our software as a Covid survival aid to ensure their portfolio can withstand the undoubted further challenges ahead.”
Lendlord provides property investors with an online platform to manage and track their portfolio details, data, and performance, whilst also identifying finance and capital raising opportunities based on a user’s specific profile.