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Realtors in the US offer bus tours to view properties

Realty firms are making sure that potential property buyers and investors see what is available. To do this, they are now offering bus tours, but not of standard property. Instead, these bus tours take visitors through some of today's most valuable properties in the foreclosure and bank owned market.

Available in many of the country's best locations including California, Nevada, Florida and even Boston, these foreclosure bus rides take visitors to about 10 to 12 properties on any given day. The homes are bank owned properties or even those that are still in pre foreclosure. The tours are free of charge to guests.

Second home buyers, investors and others utilize these tours as a way of finding out what is available to them. And many things are available, as these tours point out. Many of the properties in these markets are high end properties, offering substantial discounts in house value. The four hour bus tours usually will result in a good idea of investment and often has investors scrambling to make their purchases.

The move works well for those real estate agents that are currently facing a slow market. It is a buyer's market and by shuttling potential buyers to excellent bargain properties they can drum up sales. Most properties are vacant and readily available to those getting started or those experienced investors looking for a new opportunity.
