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Where should investors buy now in the US?

While much of the United States is still in a low housing slump, and many economists and property watchers insist that the country has not seen the end of it, it is likely that property investors already know where they will invest.

In fact, there are several locations that seem to offer exactly what is needed for the property investor from foreign markets already.

According to the Times Online, Sean Conlon who is an Irishman running a large, billion dollar property empire in Chicago, had this to say about the current US market. "The current downturn and re-pricing going on in the American economy is providing potentially the biggest real estate buying opportunity I have seen in 20 years. It is the perfect storm."

The question is, where should investors look here? A good place to start is within Chicago where developments are already drawing people in.

Other key locations include Las Vegas where there is still six years worth of developable land to be had.

New York offers an excellent opportunity because prices are comparable with London and this gives UK investors with the highly valued Euro a good opportunity. Florida is a tourism opportunity and the ground zero for the housing market slump.

When to invest may be more difficult for many to determine, yet US Congress is doing everything it can to improve the situation and stimulus packages should help, many experts believe.
