The new rules set out by the Welsh government which state landlords in Wales will need to give tenants six months’ notice when repossessing their homes could have “devastating consequences” on landlords according to the National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA).
Landlords have reportedly reacted with “anger” and “disappointment” to the plans, which will leave some without rent. The changes come in with immediate effect and were implemented in response to the COVID-19 crisis.
The NRLA has said the new rules will punish those landlords who have tried to do the right thing and support their tenants and could have devastating consequences on those reliant on rent payments as their income.
The association is calling on the Welsh government to provide loans to cover tenants’ rents that are paid directly to landlords.
Ben Beadle, chief executive of the NRLA, said: “The news that the notice period will be increased from three to six months will come as a real hammer blow to landlords in Wales.
“Some may already have tenants who were building up arrears prior to COVID-19, now not only have they been hit by the five month moratorium on repossessions but they will have to give a further six months’ notice.
“Even after this, it is unlikely the courts will be able to hear these cases straight away, so landlords could quite easily be looking at 18 months with no income.
“Effectively depriving a landlord of their right to evict as we come out of lockdown is unacceptable. The Welsh government must act swiftly to address this, by offering interest free loans to tenants to cover unpaid rent and remove any risk of eviction. Where tenants refuse to apply for loans but continue to build arrears, landlords will need greater assistance.”
The Welsh Government said the changes – which will exclude cases of anti-social behaviour – are temporary to give tenants greater increased security and give them more time to resolve any problems.