Bright Spaces, a company providing 3D showcasing software for commercial properties, is looking to build partnerships with UK developers and landlords this year.
The company, which started in Bucharest in Romania, secured pre-seed funding of EUR 185,000 in November 2019, while the group is now entering a second funding round in the UK.
Bright Spaces is currently signed up with a major Romanian developer and in advanced discussions with five office landlords in the UK.
The company expects to launch pilots with at least 10 developers and landlords this year, with a view to being fully on board by the first half of 2021.
Bogdan Nicoara, founder and chief executive of the company, said: “Bright Spaces wants to become the standard in office space digital showcasing.
“This platform, that we constantly improve according to our mentors and clients’ feedback, will be the go-to option for tenants, landlords and agents especially in the pre-leasing office and thus, we will forever change the office space Industry.
“Our goals for this year include a new round from the UK, increasing the number of clients from the UK and Romania, as well as developing the platform and adding new features. Future plans also include accessing new markets in Europe, US, Asia, UAE, Australia and New Zealand.”
The software already provides 3D floor plans and a customisable virtual tour, while new features will be added every few months.
Currently the software provides information regarding a building, while it can connect to existing software like CRMs, ERPs, shortlisting platforms or independent marketplaces.
Users can utilise a first-person walk-through visualisation of each space.
COVID-19 has likely increased demand for remote digital solutions like this.
Nicoara added: “The demand existed before the current context but now, given all the social distancing measures, such a platform brings even more value.
“Bright Spaces allows landlords to better showcase their spaces and optimise off-plan leases using digitisation.”