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Baby Boomers to move back to towns and cities by 2033

Towns and cities could see an upsurge in Baby Boomers who are “boomeranging” back from rural areas to embrace an urban lifestyle, a survey by Retirement Villages Group has claimed.

Almost a third (31%) – out of a projected 15.8 million by 2033 – want to live in an urban area in the future. Over a quarter (28%) already live in a connected area.

Will Bax, chief executive of Retirement Villages Group, said: “We are seeing a change in attitude towards retirement and later life. Inevitably a high proportion of our customers now want to live connected to a vibrant community and the amenities that help them stay independent and active.

“That’s why we’re backing ARCO’s call for an integrated retirement community in every town. We want to put our elders back at the heart of our towns and cities, regenerating our town centres and urban neighbourhoods to create age-balanced communities, with more interesting, aspirational choices that create a pull factor.

“In turn, this will help free up all the old family homes currently lived in by older folks to the benefit of the wider housing market.”

The most important things over 65s want to be close to are town centres (83%), good public transport (77%) and a strong local community (63%).

RVG is urging government, local councils, and industry to prepare for Baby Boomers to move back into town centres over the next 10 years.

The company found that over half (57%) of over 65s said local councils should ensure that potential sites are made available for integrated retirement communities.

