Landlords, flat owners, renters, households who park on the street and businesses have one year left to claim the hundreds of pounds available for each chargepoint installed.
Most of the financial incentives still available from the Office for Zero Emission Vehicles (OZEV) will close on 31 March 2025.
The schemes were designed to encourage EV adoption now that the purchase grants for electric cars are long gone, although the Plug-in Van and Truck Grant runs until 31 March 2025 with purchase discounts for individuals and organisations.
Daniel Forsberg, marketing manager EVSE at chargepoint manufacturer CTEK, said: “There is just one year left to access these OZEV grants, which are crucial in making EV charging infrastructure more accessible and its installation more affordable.
“CTEK’s EV charging solutions, especially the robust CC3 chargepoint which is built to last and futureproofed with the latest communication and security standards, complement OZEV’s grants by providing easily installed, reliable and efficient charging, ensuring employers, renters, flat owners and landlords can confidently invest in EV charging.
“Applying for these grants involves partnering with OZEV-approved installers, and in some cases directly with OZEV, to ensure adherence to program standards and streamlining applications for individuals and businesses alike.
“Our UK team of experts are on hand to help installers and their customers with technical and operational advice and information.
“Whether you are a business aiming to green your operations or a homeowner or landlord eager to contribute to environmental sustainability, OZEV grants and CTEK’s technology offer a solid foundation towards achieving your environmental goals.”
The grants with one year to run are:
Chargepoint and infrastructure grants for landlords: up to £350 per socket for up to 200 each year for residential properties and 100 commercial properties. Infrastructure grants for the wider work needed to install multiple chargepoints are £500 per parking space, for chargepoints installed now or envisaged in the future.
For renters or flat owners: up to £350 to install a chargepoint at a dedicated off-street parking space.
Households with On-Street Parking: Up to £350 for EV drivers who are installing a cross-pavement solution to enable them to use a home chargepoint for an EV parked in the street outside their home.
The Workplace Charging Scheme: offers businesses, charities and public sector employers up to £350 per charging socket, for up to 40 sockets in total across each applicant’s site or sites. details
State-funded education institutions: 75% off the cost to buy and install chargepoints up to a maximum of £2,500 per socket and 40 sockets across all sites.
Infrastructure grant for staff and fleets: for wider building work to install multiple chargepoint sockets now and in the future; up to £350 per chargepoint socket installed and up to £500 per parking space enabled, to a maximum of £15,000.