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Most people in UK are happy with their current home, new poll suggests

More than 80% of home owners in the UK are satisfied with their current home and the location in which they live with over a third extremely satisfied, a new survey shows.

A breakdown of the figures from the survey of more than 5,000 home owners shows that overall 37% are extremely satisfied with their home and the location in which they live, 43% describe themselves as moderately satisfied and only 4% consider themselves in any way dissatisfied.

The poll, from home builder David Wilson, also shows that geographically, levels of satisfaction amongst home owners are higher in rural areas, with 74% of those living in major cities being satisfied. This compares to an average of 80% in suburban and exurban environments and 84% of those living in rural towns and villages.

The survey revealed home owners are most satisfied with the features of their current home, with more than 70% satisfied with aspects such as the layout, number of bedrooms and off-road parking. Over 65% are satisfied with their local transport links, further aiding accessibility to family and friends living close by.

It seems that the older people become, the more satisfied they become with their living arrangements. The poll found that 91% of individuals aged over 65 said they were satisfied in their home compared to 73% of home owners aged 18 to 24 who said that they were satisfied.

Some 84% of people living in rural towns and villages are satisfied compared to 74% of city dwellers, while 80% of those living in suburban environments said they were satisfied. This suggests that greenery and open spaces are important factors in happiness.

That’s not to say it’s pivotal though, as residents of each type of environment are largely happy and rural home owner’s satisfaction only leads by a small margin.

The majority, 70% of those asked, were satisfied with the price they paid for their current home, while over 65% said they were satisfied with its current resale value.

Finally, only 4% of the home owners we asked were dissatisfied with their current home, which suggests that the housing market, when you take age and location into account, is providing quality housing that provides owners with comfortable places to live.

