A group of higher education and student housing organisations have raised concerns about the Renters (Reform) Bill’s effect on the student housing sector.
In letters to a government minister and the Labour Party, organisations including Universities UK, Unipol, and Nottingham Trent University warned that ending fixed-term tenancy agreements (FTTAs) for private student housing would threaten the availability, affordability, and quality of student housing across the country.
This is despite the latest amendment to the bill dictating that student housing will be given a new ground for possession so student landlords can retain the annual cycle of student tenants.
The group, SAPRS (Student Accredited Private Rental Sector), said the bill must be amended to ensure parity between purpose-built student accommodation and private student housing to avoid worsening the student housing crisis, provided that landlords sign up to an approved code of conduct with quality standards and protections for students.
Calum MacInnes, chair at SAPRS, said: “Anything less than parity with the way the Bill treats the purpose-built student accommodation sector is just not enough.”
Seven property and higher education organisations that have written to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to argue for greater student housing protections in the Bill.
MacInnes added: “With the pressure of end of year exams and coursework, the next few months will be incredibly challenging for students as it is.
“The government must ensure the Renters (Reform) Bill recognises the situation and offers security for private student housing.”