Renters who dislike their landlords are mostly aggrieved with a lack of maintenance (68%) and communication (42%), highlighting that these are key factors if you want to keep tenants on side.
One in four (25%) of the nation’s tenants say they dislike their current landlord, while 58% have had one they didn’t like in the past.
The research comes from LendingTree, a US-based online lending marketplace.
Jacob Channel, LendingTree’s senior economist and report author, said: “Renters should make sure they document all their interactions with their landlord.
“And they should be firm and assertive – but not overly aggressive – when asking a landlord to address a problem.”
Some 18% of tenants say they have been evicted, of which nearly two thirds (68%) said was unfairly.
Paying rent late (30%) was a common reason, though almost a quarter (24%) were chucked out because the landlord wanted to reclaim the property for their own use.
Surprisingly a third (33%) of renters said they have been discriminated against during the rental application process, for things like race.
Six in 10 (61%) renters felt landlords should accept renters with pets as standard – something that’s set to happen with the Renters Reform Bill.