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Keep Your Hot Tub Looking Great for the Real Estate Market

Pavel Danilyuk via Pexels

Before you put your home up for sale, you have to make it look more presentable. The more presentable it is, the more buyers it will attract — and the more profits you could rake in from a sale.

You have to make sure every part of your home looks great. This includes the hot tub posted in your backyard. A hot tub is a standout feature that will impress buyers because of its promise of spa-like relaxation, but it will only do that when it’s well-maintained. A neglected hot tub with scummy buildup, cloudy water, and a tattered cover could push buyers away.

How can you keep your hot tub looking great for a real estate sale?

1. Give It a Thorough Clean

You can’t show off a hot tub in an open house that has dirty water or scummy walls. Before any potential buyers tour your home, you should give the tub a thorough clean.

Dirty hot tub water isn’t just unpleasant to look at. It can also smell bad. So, give your hot tub a shock treatment. A shock treatment will sanitize the water by removing contaminants. It will also restore the water’s clarity so that it looks and smells pristine. After refreshing the water, make sure to keep the hot tub cover closed and secured. This should guarantee that the surface remains clear of debris like leaves, twigs, and dirt.

An easier move might be to drain your hot tub entirely of water. An empty tub will be easier to keep clean and presentable. Once it’s drained, use a gentle hot tub cleaner to scrub away any scummy buildup on the walls.

2. Replace Tattered Covers

Has your hot tub’s cover seen better days? If it’s tattered, faded, or worn out, you’ll want to get a replacement.

Go to The Cover Guy for help. This website has hot tub covers for all seasons and local climates. Pick the best fit for your tub and get rid of your old, tattered cover as soon as possible. This upgrade will instantly make your hot tub look more inviting.

The Cover Guy also carries chemical cleaners for all of your hot tubbing needs. Get a bottle of hot tub cover cleaner and protectant. Use it to polish the vinyl cover to enhance its appearance and keep it looking brand-new.

3. Stage Your Hot Tub

Many real estate agents will recommend that you stage your home for open houses and private tours. Staging can improve your chances of selling your home, and even improve your home’s dollar value. A report from the National Realtors Association found that 20% of buyers’ agents stated that staging increased the property value.

How can you stage your hot tub? Set the scene by placing a table or rolling cart near the hot tub. Add tubbing accessories like rolled towels, plush housecoats, and slippers on them. You want to help buyers picture themselves relaxing in this spot and enjoying a soak outdoors.

The Appeal of Hot Tubs in Real Estate

Hot tubs can be a real boon to homeowners putting their homes up for sale — as long as the tubs are properly maintained. According to House Logic, having a hot tub can increase your home’s appeal when you live in an area with a moderate climate. Buyers will appreciate being able to use the feature all year round.

Don’t sabotage this real estate perk. If you’re putting your home up for sale, you’ll want to showcase your hot tub. Make it look its best!
