Whether you’re the landlord of one or multiple properties, you’ll have no doubt felt an impact through COVID-19. Despite the speculation surrounding the virus way back in December 2019, it seemed to sweep the nation in just a matter of weeks and by the end of March, the entire country (along with the rest of the world) were put into a full lockdown.
Whether residents and property owners alike, are concerned with personal health issues rendering them part of the ‘vulnerable’ category or they’re simply doing their best to help stop the spread – make no mistake, this virus is very real and very much a threat, if we don’t start doing what we can to stop it in its tracks.
Thankfully, cleaning services are being utilised now more than ever, giving tenants and property owners the ability to help stop the spread and ensure they’re on the right side of the law, with new government regulations in place.
The Importance Of Cleaning
One of the main considerations for property owners currently is ensuring thorough end of tenancy cleaning is taking place. End of tenancy cleaning is vital within any tenancy agreement however right now, it’s imperative that a thorough end of tenancy clean is carried out, not only after a tenant has left the property, but in some cases once more before the next tenant moves in.
It hasn’t gone unnoticed that prospective tenants have put far more emphasis on thorough, deep cleaning of properties they’re now moving into, thanks to the virus. While this would of course translate into more being expected from the current tenants about to move out depending on the contracts in place, it ultimately lands on the property owner to ensure a high level of cleaning and disinfection has been carried out before any new tenants move in.
When Does Cleaning Need To Be Carried Out?
We know that end of tenancy and even ‘before new tenancy’ cleaning must be carried out however there are of course other circumstances that could require you provide a thorough deep clean and disinfection for your tenants, as the owner of the property.
While the law isn’t exactly clear here, it should perhaps call to your moral responsibility as a landlord, to provide a thorough clean following workmen/women visiting the property on your behalf. Not only does this provide peace of mind for tenants, helping prevent the spread of COVID, keeping your tenants safe but it also provides protection for yourself as a landlord, showing you’ve done all you can to ensure the safety of your tenants during this time.
Contact Cleaning Express
By instructing a cleaning service to carry out an end of tenancy clean or simple domestic cleaning services as and when needed, you ensure the safety of not only yourself but your tenants and those around them. During these uncertain times, doing all we can to protect ourselves and others is essential.
Thankfully, it doesn’t require you physically cleaning yourself thanks to the incredibly talented cleaners at companies such as Cleaning Express. Cleaning Express is one of London’s leading commercial and domestic cleaning companies and can provide you with the cleaning services you need throughout COVID. For more information on what they can do for you, simply contact them today on 0203 633 0390.