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Launch of Moody’s DIFC office reinforces commitment to Middle East

"Moody's Analytics' presence in the Middle East underscores our commitment to the region, where we serve close to 100 customers," says Mark Almeida, Moody's Analytics President.

Moody's Analytics offers a unique range of risk management and credit decision-making tools, designed to cover market participants' needs across the credit spectrum. Its offering includes diverse data sets and quantitative risk scoring capabilities; authoritative research and analysis of credit risk and economic trends; and professional training services in a wide range of finance disciplines. Moody's Analytics' customers in the Middle East make extensive use of the firm's credit risk scoring and loan origination tools as well as its regulatory and economic capital management solutions.

Welcoming Moody's Analytics to the Dubai International Financial Centre, Abdulla Al Awar, Managing Director of DIFC Authority said: "The global financial crisis has shown the critical importance of comprehensive risk management and credit decision making in the financial services industry. The expertise provided by firms like Moody's Analytics will help financial firms in the region develop sound credit decision-making and risk management frameworks. We look forward to providing Moody's Analytics with the support necessary to firmly establish their operations in the region."   

"Having already gained the trust of institutions around the world, Moody's Analytics is confident that its award-winning quantitative tools and services can help address the credit risk management and regulatory compliance needs of all market participants in the Middle East," also says Wael Jadallah, Director of Moody's Analytics (DIFC) Ltd.

Moody's Analytics is the sister company of Moody's Investors Service, the credit rating agency, which already has a separate office in the DIFC. Both Moody's Analytics and Moody's Investors Service are subsidiaries of Moody's Corporation.
