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Bellway building 815 homes in Ipswich

An 815-home development in the Ipswich Garden Suburb is now under construction, after the housebuilder Bellway received planning consent for the first 198 homes in the summer.

The developer is starting with one and two-bedroom apartments and two, three and four-bedroom houses in Westerfield Grove, within the Fonnereau Neighbourhood.

The site will contain two parks: Westerfield Park will be a natural open space with wildflower planting and habitats, while Fonnereau Park will be a community park with a multi-use games area, BMX pump track, picnic benches and cycle parking.

Philip Standen, managing director for Bellway Essex, said: “In line with the masterplan for the wider delivery of 3,500 homes, Bellway will create a sustainable, eco-friendly community of high-quality homes. These will be connected by green open spaces, ranging from tranquil natural parkland to a more active focus in the community play areas.

“Facilities including a new school, new bus connections and a district centre – which could include shops, places to eat and drink, and a health centre – are planned as part of the 815-home development, which already has outline planning consent. This will support the new neighbourhood, create long-term employment opportunities and help to attract more investment in the area.”

Bellway will plant more than 160 trees and in excess of 150 species of plants and shrubs. Bird, bat and dormouse boxes will be installed and there will be log piles within the landscaped spaces.

Of the 198 homes, 22 will be designated as affordable properties and 53 will be built to be accessible and adaptable.

The first homes are expected to go on sale in Summer 2025 and the first completions will take place later in 2026.

