Sofia, one of the largest cities in Bulgaria, provides a range of benefits for the investor. Bulgaria property is some of the most profitable currently as values continue to rise at record levels. Economists do not see a drop in this rise for some time, even as the rest of the area sees values drop.
In many areas, for example Sofia, the capital appreciation on investments can offer high returns to those investors buying from overseas. Property values continue to rise steadily here, mainly due to the increase in demand as the location is an ideal second home location or holiday destination for many European tourists.
A variety of hot spots continue to develop and construction offers benefits as well to the investor. Announced Wednesday was a large developed that will be located within Sofia that will provide a multiple function sports hall, exhibition buildings, and accommodations for outlet shopping, restaurants, people and offices. Such projects are being seen readily throughout the country as development and growth are seen.
Most investors believe that property values in Bulgaria will continue to rise, due to demand for the area. The highest valued property currently is simple city centre apartments that offer not much more than 70 sq m of space. Yet, location is key and cities like Sofia offer that, too.