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Off the radar Croatia offers hot investments

In a recent news release, Croatia was touted as an ideal investment opportunity for UK investors. In fact, the property market here is one that has been enjoyed by savvy Brits for a long time, though more off the radar.

Property in Croatia offers an ideal investment, as many investors have not gotten involved it in heavily just yet. The property prices here are still relatively low, making it an affordable place to invest with a likely housing value increase.

The property market in Croatia is not as developed as in other European countries, which is likely why investors have not yet made this a prime target. Yet, with more opportunities become sparse in popular investor markets, emerging markets such as Croatia are likely to fair better.

Croatia would like to become part of the EU and likely will. Yet, in order to do so it will need to align key elements including inflation to be successful here. Once it becomes an EU member, property investors will look to it even more favourably as the ease of purchasing property here and doing business here will be more beneficial to their needs.

On an economic view, Croatia has a stable economy currently battling inflation. Inflation here was at 5.8 per cent in December of 2007. Food prices are the largest problem for these numbers.
