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Renters lonelier than owners

Renters are more likely to feel lonely and unsafe when walking home after dark than the wider population, a poll by the Belonging Forum has revealed.

Some 40% feel lonely, compared to 29% of the general population.

Meanwhile, 30% of all renters felt unsafe walking home in the dark compared to 20% of those who own their home.

Just 43% of renters – including private, local authority, and housing authority – say they know their neighbours, compared to 69% of those who own their homes outright.

Kim Samuel, co-founder of the Belonging Forum and author of On Belonging: Finding Connection in an Age of Isolation, said: “Our research—the first of its kind in the UK—identifies acute issues facing people with disabilities, older people, and migrants.

“But two groups who are not talked about as much are young women and people in rented accommodation.

“From community gardens to intergenerational friendship events, our Charter for Belonging will outline common sense and affordable ways to help renters and young women put down roots in their local area and connect with others.

“Renters are a growing section of British society and there are specific measures we can put in place to help them feel like they belong.”

Young women struggle more than men.

Whilst 72% of men in the 18-24 category report being satisfied with their life, just 64% of women of the same age did. And 40% of women in this group report being alone at night compared to just 15% of men overall.

Women in this 18-24 category also reported sharing the same values as their neighbours less than men and much less than women over 65.

