Landlords operating HMOs in Greenwich need to ensure they’re signed up to an additional licensing scheme this week, or they risk being hit with a devastating fine of up to £30,000.
To be classed as an HMO they must operate properties with at least three residents in separate households where the kitchen, bathroom or toilet is shared. Previously only properties with five households needed licensing.
Greenwich ran a licensing scheme from 2017 in 2022 but it was deemed a failure by the National Residential Landlords Association, after it emerged that out of just 79 HMOs out of 6,500 HMOs were inspected, with 12 being identified as having category one hazards.
Landlords also complained about a lack of communication during the application process, as well as the costs involved.
Ann-Marie Cousins, the cabinet member for community safety and enforcement, said: ““Every resident has the right to a safe and well-maintained home.
“As a council we are committed to improving the lives and homes of private tenants, and our property licensing schemes are key to this. We will continue to work hard to tackle rogue landlords who put their tenants at risk by failing to licence their properties.”
The cost of the additional licensing scheme is as follows:
Fee type | Cost (per unit/bedroom) |
Standard | £499.88 per unit |
Member of a landlord’s professional association or accreditation scheme (15% discount) | £424.90 per unit |
Enhanced – where we have identified HMO use through investigation (30% higher than the standard fee) | £649.85 per unit |
Renewing a licence (15% discount) | £424.90 per unit |
Applicants who agree to lease or offer an AST to a council-nominated tenant to the Royal Borough of Greenwich for a minimum of 12 months (12% discount) | £439.90 per unit |
Paper copy of licence | £20 per licence, per copy |