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Economic forecasts predict Canada will miss the recession

Ailse MacFarlane Marketing Director for Landcorp International said, "This is indeed wonderful news and this recent announcement has only added to national confidence at a time when other countries economies are in freefall. This forecast was delivered by the combined resources of analysts within a leading bank, a think tank in Canada and even more reassuringly, the International Monetary Fund.

Obviously there will be some signs of a slow down, but it is generally business as usual and importantly, the housing market is still strong and flourishing.

The forecast for growth this year has been cut to 0.6% from 0.8% and in 2009 to 0.9% from an earlier target of 1.7%. Although disappointing that forecasts have had to drop, it is also very encouraging to see just how healthy the Canadian economy is and as such there will not be two consecutive quarters in which the economy dips into a negative, therefore there will be no recession. This coupled with the International Monetary Fund's prediction that Canada will have the fastest growing economy of the G7 major industrial countries next year, is all helping to keep Canada away from the murkier waters endangering so many other countries."

Canada also has the soundest financial system in the globe, according to a new report from the World Economic Forum, which also placed Canada on the top 10 list of the world's most competitive countries.

In its report the Forum concludes the following – 'Canada benefits from top-notch transportation and telephony infrastructure, highly efficient capital markets and well- functioning and transparent government and banking institutions."

By contrast, Switzerland was ranked 16th, France 19th, Germany 39th, The United States 40th The United Kingdom was ranked 44th, just behind El Salvador and Peru.

Ailse continues, "The positive predictions for Canada are also aiding Landcorp International. As a company that markets pre-development land, we have suddenly found ourselves in the middle of a niche market. Despite the current economic woes and contrary to popular belief, there is still a plentiful supply of investors. Landcorp can help these investors on two fronts; firstly we are marketing in a country that has not fallen foul to a 'global recession' and secondly we offer a low entry level of investment. This is particularly appealing at this time, especially when we are predicting returns of up to 150%. Furthermore it is highly likely that many of these new investors will now be converted to this way of investing in the future, especially with the current vote of no confidence in stocks and shares. Suffice to say, the credit crunch does bring about some success stories!"
