There are a number of different investors that have cut their losses and run for the hills away from investing in a property market, but at the same time recent numbers suggest that they are in the minority.
In fact, most people still favour investing their money into developing property markets over investing it in the stock market or any other type of investment for that matter. These numbers were derived from studying companies like Obelisk and taking a look at the cash flow of their overseas property investments.
While popularity was still there for investments abroad, the cash flow numbers from Obelisk also show beyond the shadow of a doubt that the developing markets will yield returns on investments that will far overshadow anything that a typical stock market could actually yield.
Another area in the property market that also promises to do well over time is the real estate investment trust sector. REITs are companies that return 90% of what they take in to their customers and are an easy way for someone to leverage their money with that of many other investors to buy properties well beyond what they could afford and in doing so gain a higher return on investment than they would otherwise have been able to do as an individual investor.
While REITs were hit just as many other investments were in the property market downturn of recent times, at the same time they promise to be one of the biggest money makers over the course of the next few decades. One of the reasons for this is the fact that most REIT firms had money that they used to pick up some cheap properties in the downturn; cheap properties that will become very valuable investments when the markets eventually turn on themselves and start to increase once again.